
  • Julia Doronina
    MTS PJSC | HR Development Manager | Training and Development Department | Corporate University Department
    Dear Maria and Alexandra,
    We would like to express our gratitude from the Corporate University of MTS for your participation in the Knowledge Festival on November 14, 2015. The masterclasses that were conducted (Lego Serious Play and Creating an Ally Network) received exceptionally positive feedback from the participants, both in terms of their originality and the level of professionalism of the trainers.
    Thank you for your willingness to collaborate and learn something new!
    We are left with nothing but pleasant impressions after the event, so we sincerely hope that our first successful experience of interaction within the framework of the Festival will definitely continue.
  • Ksenia Kim
    Sberbank CIB
    F-POINT is a team of professionals who are well-versed in their field. You demonstrate the ability to work with diverse audiences, taking into account their needs, and show a genuine interest in achieving results. As a result, the outcomes of your work fully meet the client's expectations.
  • Vadim Logofet
    Managing Director - Senior Banker, Client Management Department (Sberbank CIB)
    We would like to express our gratitude to Alexandra Kosulina and Maria Pronina for their professional facilitation work during the implementation of our project.
    At each stage of project preparation and implementation, Alexandra and Maria were highly attentive to the business needs, key stakeholders, and committed to achieving results.
    The outcomes obtained from the sessions will be utilized by the business for further work.
  • Natalia Voss
    Head of Corporate University, BALTICA
    We worked with the Facilitation Point Company on a project on effective communication. From the very beginning, Alexandra Kosulina, the project lead, demonstrated a thorough approach, meticulous preparation, and used very precise and appropriate questions.
    Thanks to the careful scripting, the facilitation itself posed no difficulties when working with the group. Participants always understood which part of the process they were in and what was expected of them.
    We particularly liked the prepared photo reports because they captured all the details without missing any, making the reports easy to read.
    We believe that this project laid a good foundation for working with such a challenging topic as communication. The facilitation allowed the group to develop a series of projects and tasks, which are now being implemented based on the results of our collaboration.
  • Olga Bulatova
    Partner, EY Business Academy
    Ernst & Young expresses gratitude to the Facilitation Point Company for developing and conducting a training program on facilitation technologies for the trainers of the Business Academy.
    In January 2014, consultants from the company conducted a unique and engaging three-day training session, "Facilitation Technologies Workshop." The training struck an excellent balance between theoretical and practical aspects, thoroughly covering the fundamentals of facilitation and allowing participants to practice various facilitation techniques.
    We would like to highlight the high professionalism of Alexandra Kosulina and Maria Pronina, their articulate and structured delivery of material, deep understanding of the training topic, willingness to share information and knowledge, as well as the relaxed yet productive atmosphere during the training.
    In the feedback surveys, participants particularly noted:
    • The facilitators' willingness to "make the training useful specifically for us."
    • Their "deep knowledge of the subject, openness in sharing personal experiences, thoroughness in addressing all group questions, and creating a sunny and friendly atmosphere."
    • Their "professionalism, friendliness, and energy."
    • Their "flexibility and practical orientation of knowledge, extensive experience, and readiness to share it."
    • The "coordinated and very high-quality work, informativeness, and applicability of the material."
    Once again, we want to thank Alexandra and Maria and wish them continued prosperity and new creative ideas.
  • Olga Pestereva
    Deputy Director of Public Relations, Rostelecom
    We would like to thank the company F-Point for the successful conduct of a creative session for the employees of the regional PR departments of our company. This was a very important moment for the company and a valuable experience for everyone involved.

    Rostelecom is one of the largest national-scale telecommunication operators in Europe, operating in all segments of the communication services market throughout Russia. Our PR team represents the company's interests 24/7 from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok and participates in major projects such as, Webwybory 2012, the National Cloud Platform, the Sochi Olympics, and addressing "digital inequality". Our team must always be in good professional shape, utilizing all communication tools, including regular face-to-face training and educational programs.

    This spring, we were preparing to launch a new super project, the service-search platform "Sputnik." For the company, this is an entry into the internet market and an important part of our development strategy.

    For the PR team, it's a serious challenge and a complex set of tasks that must be worked on collectively and effectively. Before the launch, a creative session was organized where employees from different regions needed to be briefed and motivated for the new project. For this purpose, we invited Alexandra Kosulina and Maria Pronina to organize a creative session to search for and develop ideas for promoting "Sputnik" in the regions. Two main tasks were set for this session:

    • The team needed to understand the new product, its idea, essence, and features.
    • Find promotion ideas for "Sputnik" applicable in different regions.
    Both of these tasks were successfully solved, although the topic was completely new to everyone, and instead of the initially planned three hours, we only had two at our disposal. According to the participants' feedback, the results of this session exceeded expectations. Every minute was spent effectively and contributed to achieving the set goals. The shortlist of working ideas for the regional roadshow became part of the overall plan and has already started working.
    If you want to organize teamwork effectively and solve non-standard tasks efficiently, we can confidently recommend the company F-Point!
  • Tatyana Shcherban
    HR Consultant, Career Development Consultant
    Friends, I sincerely want to share my impressions of the work of my colleagues - Alexandra Kosulina and Maria Pronina, partners at F-POINT company. The Latin "F" stands for facilitation. Put simply, my colleagues help groups of different people come to an agreement on complex or contentious issues. It's not as easy as it seems!
    That's why Maria and Alexandra meticulously think through the logic of any meeting or strategic discussion they are going to facilitate. The main art lies in what questions to ask the participants, what conclusions the participants should be able to draw, how to aggregate or break down the conclusions made, what the picture of the desired future might look like, and how the transition plan from "now" to "desired" will sound. I have been collaborating with Alexandra and Maria for many years, and whenever my colleagues plan and conduct sessions for my clients, participants invariably come to decisions and agreements!

  • Лена Литвинова
    Региональный директор at OCS, Восточная Сибирь и Дальний Восток
    Что важно для заботливого руководителя? Быстрое решение актуальных проблем компании и объединение команды вокруг привлекательной цели с четким понимаем что и как делать. А еще, чтобы у людей было желание и воодушевление действовать.
    Все это и гораздо больше можно получить с помощью фасилитационных сессий, которые проводят консультанты F-POINT. Яркие, профессиональные, гармоничные и технологичные.
    Умеющие выстроить обсуждение проблем и задач вашей команды таким образом, чтобы быть незаметными проводниками в мир ясных и привлекательных бизнес-решений. Стратегические сессии, сессии принятия решений, разработка планов действий, отраслевые и региональные конференции, и многое другое – всё это может F-POINT в формате фасилитационных сессий.
  • Химичев Глеб
    Director, Business Consulting, Business Transformation at EY
    Фасилитационная сессия оказалась отличным вариантом найти решение, используя коллективный опыт и знания. В первую очередь потому, что формат обсуждения позволяет за ограниченное время обсудить проблему со всех сторон, выслушать каждого участника и записать все варианты. Кстати, так как все моменты обсуждения записываются, это дает возможность впоследствии ещё раз детально разобрать обсуждаемые варианты.
    Кроме того, есть и дополнительный бонус - в процессе такой командной работы группа становится более сплоченной и нацеленной на достижение тех результатов, которые сама вырабатывает во время сессии.
    Я уже более 5 лет использую технологию фасилитаций, готовлю и провожу сам, работал вместе с коллегами из F-Point. Это отличный вариант найти решение, используя коллективный опыт и знания. В первую очередь потому, что формат позволяет за ограниченное время обсудить проблему со всех сторон, выслушать каждого и записать все варианты. Кстати, именно запись всех моментов обсуждения дает возможность впоследствии ещё раз детально
    разобрать варианты.
    Есть и дополнительный бонус - в процессе такой командной работы группа становится более сплоченной и нацеленной на достижение результатов, которые сама вырабатывает во время сессии.
  • Катерина Лубкова
    Head of HR Department MORGAN
    Делюсь впечатлениями от стратегической сессии по разработке Миссии и Ценностей компании, которая состоялась у нас в августе 2014 г.
    Первое, о чем хочется сказать: я не очень-то верила в успех нашей совместной затеи. Точнее, затея была моей, а вот воплощали ее в жизнь Александра и Мария. У неуверенности в успехе было множество причин, одна из которых, и, она же - главная, отсутствие опыта командной работы у тех, кто принимал участие в сессии, и привычка быть исполнителями.  Конечно, мы собирались раньше и что-то делали и обсуждали, но это не было настоящей командной
    То, что удалось сделать Александре и Марии, сродни волшебству для нашей компании. Коллеги не просто включились в работу, они с азартом выполняли те задания, которые им предлагались и делали это ВМЕСТЕ. И всего за один день (!!!) мы сделали то, что многим не удается и за несколько недель: определили Миссию и Ценности компании.
    Многие руководители компаний считают, что фасилитация это такое развлечение для сотрудников, с множеством разноцветных бумажечек, веселых фотографий, игрушек и прочего увеселительного сопровождения, и часто не имеет ничего общего с "реальным бизнесом".
    Многим тяжело принять решение о том, чтобы собрать своих серьезных и умудренных опытом менеджеров и, аж на целый день, оторвать их от работы ради сомнительного мероприятия.
    И, наверное, самое сложное: для того, чтобы решиться на проведение мероприятия в формате фасилитации, нужно верить в себя и свою команду.
    Однако если вы готовы рискнуть и выйти за рамки шаблонного восприятия, у вас есть шанс перейти на новый уровень развития: себя, команды и бизнеса в целом.
  • Tarasenko I.S.
    Head of HR Department, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft
    The Joint-Stock Company "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company" expresses gratitude to business consultants Tatiana Shcherban and Alexandra Kosulina for organizing and conducting a strategic session for the leaders of our Company in April 2016.
    The decision to hold the event in this format was made to determine the development vectors of JSC "SCAC," to form a common understanding of the problems, and to jointly search for solutions to the tasks facing the company. Participation in the strategic session allowed us to more clearly define the directions of movement, formulate goals shared by all members of the top team.
    We thank you for your professional approach in preparing and conducting the strategic session. Throughout the event, participants were actively engaged in the process of discussion, developed specific decisions and action plans, and interacted constructively in an atmosphere of complete openness and support.
    We wish you success in implementing projects and hope for further cooperation.
We are in touch
Facilitation Point © 2025 All rights reserved
Moscow, metro station Taganskaya, Martynovsky pereulok, 2
ИП Kosulina Alexandra Igorevna
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