Хотим отметить индивидуальный подход тренеров при подготовке к сессиям и проведению интервью с сотрудниками Общества. Коллеги быстро и в достаточной степени глубоко погружаются во внутренние процессы и проблематику запроса по теме сессии. К дате проведения мероприятия тренеры отлично владеют организационной структурой и особенностями взаимодействия внутри коллектива, держат во внимании не только основные структурные элементы сценария сессии, но и важные для нас как для заказчика дополнения. Модераторы перенимают особенности внутренней культуры коллектива, поэтому дискуссии проходят В едином коммуникационном поле C использованием внутренней терминологии Общества. Как итог, создается впечатление, что сессию модерируют сотрудники Общества, а не внешний приглашенный провайдер.
Также хотели бы отметить гибкий подход к подготовке сценария: все корректировки и пожелания заказчика учитываются. При этом во время сессии тренеры внимательно отслеживают ход дискуссии и меняют подготовленный сценарий, если изменения принесут больший эффект и пользу для работы группы. Изменения вводятся плавно и помогают вырабатывать полезные командные решения и достигать результата.
Руководство Общества на основе первого позитивного опыта сотрудничества с Facilitation Point неоднократно возвращалось с запросом на проведение сессий, т.к. доверяют компетенциям тренеров и не сомневаются в эффективности их работы в качестве модераторов.
Партнёры компании, Мария и Александра, сделали всё по лучшим практикам:
1. В самом начале собрали с нас пожелания, видение и предварительные планы 2. Провели установочные встречи со всеми спикерами и погрузились в проблематику каждого из 4-х стратегических инициатив 3. В сжатые сроки подготовили сценарий дня 4. В процессе работы оказалось, что вместо одной типовой фасилитации, как мы планировали ранее, необходимо проводить четыре абсолютно разных фасилитации, со своей логикой, своими упражнениями и реквизитом. С этой задачей эксперты F-Point тоже справились, несмотря на сжатые сроки подготовки.
В итоге всё прошло близко к идеалу. День стратегии запомнился всем без исключения. Удалось вовлечь всех директоров филиалов и получить ценнейшую обратную связь по проектам. Эксперты F-Point не только самостоятельно вели всю основную программу и часть фасилитаций, но и обучили наших внутренних тренеров. По результатам страт сессий мы получили от F-Point все материалы, которые команды нагенерили в рабочих группах: фотографии флипов, скриншоты голосований и т.д.
Благодаря профессиональной и слаженной работе команды F-Point нам удалось не просто на хорошем уровне провести важное и масштабное мероприятие, но и получить wow-эффект.
То, что удалось сделать Александре и Марии, сродни волшебству для нашей компании.
Коллеги не просто включились в работу, они с азартом выполняли те задания, которые им предлагались и делали это ВМЕСТЕ. И всего за один день (!!!) мы сделали то, что многим не удается и за несколько недель: определили Миссию и Ценности компании.
С моей точки зрения, встреча прошла очень успешно. Благодаря четкой и аргументированной подаче материла, медицинские советники увидели для себя возможности управления Советом Экспертов. А практические задания, основанные на работе с определенными инструментами (письмо председателю о согласовании роли советника, примеры правил работы и др.), помогли им поверить в свои силы. Это главное. Ну а драйв, с которым был проведен тренинг никого из участников не оставил равнодушным, и оптимизм победил пессимизм
A unique direction where learning ceases to be an obligation and becomes an inspiration. We don't just offer training programs; we create a platform for your progress, innovation, and continuous development.
(about the direction)
It's important for us that every stage you go through is an investment in your personal and professional evolution.
Each of our training or mentorship programs is a unique product, designed taking into account your organizational specifics, situation, needs, and timelines.
You want to unlock not only new skills but also a new mindset
It's important to you that the training isn't typical or standard, but rather tailored to your goals and participants
You appreciate that successful learning involves contribution from all aspects of education and a systemic approach
We will thoroughly discuss your business goals, training objectives, the specifics of your company, and the participants' experience.
We will examine situations where participants are supposed to apply new skills
We will conduct interviews and/or online surveys with the participants to better understand what tasks, issues, and questions they encounter and what they consider important to learn in the training.
We will stay in touch throughout the entire program, adjusting and updating the cases and topics for training blocks based on the specific needs of the group.
MOST programs include
Textbook and handouts with tools and methods
A Telegram channel for supporting participants before and after the training, for exchange of experience among participants, and for sending additional materials and recommendations from the trainer.
Telegram channel
Individual 30-minute consultancy session (within a month after the training)
3 author’s newsletters with useful materials about facilitation
Examples of programs
Facilitation technology workshop
Facilitation Tools for Trainers
Zen facilitator: difficult situations in working with groups
Agile thinking
Facilitation of online meetings
Handling conflicts in organizations
Regular management practices
Addressing the request and working with the session client
Communication skills for managers
Engaging leadership
Working with an internal customer
Mentoring for practicing facilitators
Fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly!
We would like to commend the trainers for their individual approach in preparing for and conducting interviews with the Society's employees. Colleagues quickly and deeply immerse themselves in internal processes and the issues related to the session's topic. By the event date, the trainers have a solid understanding of the organizational structure and dynamics within the team, paying attention not only to the main structural elements of the session's script but also to important additions crucial for us as the client. Moderators adapt to the internal culture of the team, leading discussions within a unified communication field using the Society's internal terminology. As a result, it creates the impression that the session is moderated by Society's employees rather than an external provider.
We also want to highlight the flexible approach to script preparation: all client's adjustments and wishes are taken into account. During the session, trainers carefully monitor the discussion's progress and adjust the prepared script if changes will bring greater effect and benefit to the group's work. Changes are introduced smoothly and help develop valuable team decisions and achieve results.
Based on the positive initial experience of collaborating with Facilitation Point, the Society's management has repeatedly returned with requests for sessions, trusting the trainers' competencies and having no doubt about the effectiveness of their work as moderators.
O.M. Lazareva
General Director of Alrosa
The company's partners, Maria and Alexandra, followed best practices throughout:
At the outset, they collected our wishes, vision, and preliminary plans. They held introductory meetings with all the speakers and delved into the issues of each of the four strategic initiatives. They prepared the agenda for the day within tight deadlines. During the process, it became apparent that instead of one standard facilitation, as previously planned, we needed to conduct four completely different facilitations, each with its own logic, exercises, and props. The experts from F-Point also handled this task, despite the tight preparation schedule. As a result, everything went close to perfection. The Strategy Day was memorable for everyone without exception. We managed to engage all the branch directors and obtain invaluable feedback on the projects. The F-Point experts not only led the entire main program and some of the facilitations themselves but also trained our internal trainers. Following the strategy sessions, we received all the materials generated by the teams in the working groups from F-Point: flip chart photos, screenshots of votes, etc.
Thanks to the professional and coordinated work of the F-Point team, we not only successfully conducted an important and large-scale event but also achieved a wow effect.
Alexey Romanov
Director of Transformation, JSC "GSK "Yugoria"
Collaboration with F Point can be characterized as a mature, mutually beneficial partnership, within which the company keeps both business outcomes and other important factors in focus, allowing us to evaluate our collaboration as successful. Colleagues implement a comprehensive, customized approach to solving set tasks and provide a level of professional expertise and service that can be defined as exceeding my expectations. Elena Ruchyova
For SURE I would reccommend to work with you. It is worth go have facilitator, adopted to your needs, creative, responsible and supportive. Wish you very good business future and high achievements.
Macevicius, Arminas
It's just wonderful to work with F-POINT! I had the opportunity to work with this company last year and they had great ideas, were very precise and with great reliability. F-POINT is always eager to hear their client and their needs. F-POINT always learn and improve their own skills and that makes working with them even more fun! You can rely on them in all about group decision making and involving people!
Ruben van der Laan
Co-founder at Het Nieuwe Werkoverleg
What Alexander and Maria managed to accomplish was akin to magic for our company. Colleagues didn't just engage in the work; they enthusiastically tackled the tasks presented to them and did so TOGETHER. And in just one day (!!!), we achieved what many struggle to accomplish in several weeks: defining the company's Mission and Values.
From my perspective, the meeting was very successful. Thanks to the clear and well-reasoned presentation of the material, medical advisors saw opportunities for themselves in managing the Expert Council. And the practical tasks, based on working with specific tools (writing to the chairman to coordinate the role of the advisor, examples of rules of operation, etc.), helped them believe in their abilities. That's the main thing. Moreover, the energy with which the training was conducted left no participant indifferent, and optimism triumphed over pessimism.